
原文:U.S. Army and British soldiers will participate in a force-on-force experiment next month to test out battlefield techs ranging from thermal-defeating woobies to exoskeleton knee braces.The Maneuver Battle Lab at Fort Benning, Georgia, will host the Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiments 2020 from Feb. 4 to March 17. A platoon of British soldiers will join two platoons from Benning's Experimental Company to fight against an OPFOR made up of a platoon from the 4th Infantry Division in an effort to create a realistic environment for evaluating dozens of prototype technologies, such as unmanned aerial systems, communications gear and sophisticated sensors.中譯:美陸軍和英國軍隊將在下個月以實兵對抗方式測試戰場應用科技,品項囊括去溫毛毯及外骨骼護膝等多種裝備。喬治亞州班寧堡的機動戰鬥實驗室將於2月4日至3月17日主辦2020年陸軍遠征戰士隊對抗賽。英國將以一個步兵排,連同班寧堡實驗連的兩個排,共同對抗由第4步兵師一個排所組成的假想敵,營造戰場實境用以評估數十種原型技術,諸如無人飛行系統、通信設備、精密感應器等。關鍵軍語:※force-on-force:Problem-solve and fight, either as an individual or member of a team, against live adversaries in realistic encounters.※Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiments:Abbreviated AEWE, established to showcase how small businesses can serve the US Army with modernized capabilities, integrations and developments - which assists in the vision for the future.※OPFOR:Opposing force, a military unit tasked with representing an enemy, usually for training purposes in war game scenarios.例句:Modernizing the U.S. Army's OPFOR program is an unremitting endeavor, because threats continuously change and technology relentlessly revolutionizes the art of war.美國陸軍假想敵計畫必須與時俱進,因為威脅不斷變異,而科技也讓戰爭藝術不停地革新精進。

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